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The Howe RT®, a revolutionary device you probably haven't heard of yet. This small but powerful device was originally developed to help athletes achieve peak performance and ended up serving many others with issues previously thought to only be remedied by medication or extensive physical therapy. 


The Howe RT® is programmed to address a multitude of physical and mental issues addressed by the placement and setting of electricity conducting pads on your body. Please see below a shortlisted version of what Howe RT® can help you with and improve your life:

Emotional issues Resonance therapy assists with are:

  • Trauma

  • Depression

  • Anxiety

  • Attention/Focus issues


Physical issues Resonance therapy assists with are:

  • Thumb/arthritis joint - for any joint with chronic overuse and/or arthritis changes; 

  • Lung Recovery post Smoking - Irritation can be from smoking or environmental (fire); 

  • Vagus Reboot with Infection and Mold - to target known or suspected Mycotoxins; 

  • Deep Sports Massage - for pain during tissue mobilization in deep tissue work such as Rolfing, cupping or deep myofascial release; 

  • Energy Clearing and Balance - A program to enhance relaxation for quiet time activities. Focus on clearing field and balancing energy centers.;

  • Parasites/Mold - For chronic or latent history of parasites and/or mold.

...And many more conditions and issues

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